Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Over 40 community languages schools instructors and teachers from over 40 languages will attend the 11th National Community Languages Schools Conference at Rydges Lakeside Hotel London Circuit Canberra Saturday 12 October commencing at 9.30am.

Delegates from throughout Australia will blend together in a tapestry of diversity around the common goal of delivering strong linguistic and cultural maintenance programs to over 100 000 students in 71 languages.

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Minster for Education and Training Ms Joy Burch will open the conference at 10.00am and provide participants with an overview and support for community languages schools.

The conference theme partners in delivering language education in Australia reflects the strong role community languages schools play in linguistic and cultural maintenance and the endeavour to build meaningful partnerships with students, families and the community.

The conference will look at strengthening relation with mainstreams schools, principal; and school council associations and inter community activities.

It will also examine the role of community language schools in the new proposed national languages curriculum.

A range of workshops will lead teachers and instructors in examining leading practices and classroom teaching strategies.

“Today we see students, parents, school communities working in partnership in ensuring languages are maintained and taught with the highest degree of effectiveness” President ACT Community Language Schools, Javad Mehr said.  

“This conference will set strong policy positions and also give practical advice on how to be effective teachers in the community languages schools setting and how to form and utilise partnership” Javad Mehr said.

“having such a great number of participants from so many backgrounds, gathered together, committed and focussed, is again a reflection of how diversity is respected and used practically for the benefit of Australia” Javad Mehr Said.  

The conference is being hosted by ACT Community Language Schools Association.                                     Further information – Javad Mehr 0412 222 473

To find out more about community language schools CLICK HERE

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